201 Strong SEO Tips (That Actually Work)

This Is the largest collection of SEO tips on the planet.
The Best part?
All Of the SEO techniques in this guide are 100% actionable.
So If you want higher rankings, check out the new guide.
There is No doubt about it:When It comes to search engine optimization, subfolders (backlinko.com/example) CRUSH subdomains (example.backlinko.com).
Sure, Google stated that they don't have an inherent preference for one or another.
However, I have seen rankings shoot up with a change into a subfolder. So my eyes, gut and experience tells me that subfolders are ideal for SEO.
Duplicate Adwords Ads for Highly-Clickable Title and Meta Tags
Google Adwords advertisements are an untapped goldmine of phrases and words which you could use in your page's title and description label.(After These ads are super-optimized for clicks)
And When you use proven ad copy on your title and descriptions, you'll have an organic record that stands out of the package. Check out this video for a step-by-step guide to executing this SEO tip.
Make Social Sharing Buttons Super-Easy to Find
I Can't tell you how many times I have given up on sharing a piece of content since I had difficulty finding the share buttons.That is The reason why I utilize social sharing buttons that accompany you down the page:

That Way, my article is ready to be shared whenever the mood strikes you.
Use A Number On Your Title Tag
Several Industry studies have discovered that numbers (particularly odd amounts) boost CTR. And this rule certainly applies to your title tags. So whenever you are able to add a number in your page's title tag.
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